Reclaiming Well-Being: How Remote Medical Scribing Frees Time for Fitness

Reclaiming Well-Being

Attending this year’s American Academy of Family Physicians’ Physician Health and Well-being Conference in Scottsdale was an eye-opener. Many physicians I spoke with shared their struggle to establish a regular workout schedule that fits their lifestyle and preferences. This revelation is concerning, given the significant benefits of physical activity. Freeing up time to fit fitness into a busy healthcare provider’s schedule has many benefits.

Proven Health Benefits

Regular physical activity is crucial for reducing major mortality risk factors such as arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidaemia, coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Studies show that physically active individuals have a 30% to 35% lower all-cause mortality rate compared to inactive individuals¹. Despite these benefits, many physicians find it challenging to commit time to fitness.

After-Hours Charting Challenges

Most physicians cite after-hours charting as their primary barrier to engaging in regular physical activity. This additional workload often prevents physicians from turning fitness activities into a regular habit.

The Solution: ScribeEMR’s Remote Medical Scribing Solutions

Many providers are still unaware of remote medical scribing, and how simple it is to incorporate this solution into their practices. A dedicated virtual scribe, assigned to a busy physician, charts patient visits in real-time, with the ability to document everything in detail and prompt providers to cover important requirements. This innovative solution offers numerous benefits:

  • Simple, Intuitive Workflow: HIPAA-compliant Zoom protocols make logging in and staying connected during visits easy and productive.
  • Consistent Support: Physicians work with the same scribe every day, ensuring charts are completed in real-time, according to individual preferences.
  • Cost-Efficient Care Delivery: Up-to-date charting eliminates the risk of chart backlogs that build up for 14, 30, or up to 60+ days.
  • Clinical Quality Measures: Our scribes track and enter all Clinical Quality Measures accurately.
  • Work-Life Balance: Working with a virtual medical scribe means absolutely no charting at home or after hours, which lets physicians reclaim time for fitness and personal well-being.
Join Over 1,000 Satisfied Physicians

Learn how ScribeEMR has helped more than 1,000+ physicians overcome their charting challenges. We can help you, too. Email or click here to schedule a meeting via my Calendly scheduler.

By Terry Ciesla, Sr. Vice President, Sales/Business Development, ScribeEMR


1. Reimers CD, Knapp G, Reimers AK. Does physical activity increase life expectancy? A review of the literature. J Aging Res. 2012;2012:243958. doi: 10.1155/2012/243958. Epub 2012 Jul 1. PMID: 22811911; PMCID: PMC3395188